Why release fish?

We are dedicated to protecting and restoring Global aquatic ecosystems through scientifically guided release activities.

Restoring Ecological Balance

Releasing fish helps restore and maintain biodiversity in rivers, lakes, and oceans, especially in water bodies affected by pollution or human activity. By releasing appropriate amounts of fish, we can help maintain the balance of ecosystems.

Case Studies

  • Clear Lake, California: By releasing 20,000 native bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), the lake's fish diversity increased by 15% within a year.
  • Great Lakes, Michigan: By releasing 100,000 native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), the trout population was significantly restored within five years, enhancing the sustainability of local fisheries.

Improving Water Quality

Fish can effectively reduce pollutants and nutrients in water bodies by feeding on algae and organic matter, thus improving water quality.

Water Quality Improvement

  • Lake Okeechobee, Florida: By releasing large numbers of yellow perch and bluegill sunfish, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the lake decreased by 12% and 18% respectively within a year.
  • Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota: After releasing bluegill sunfish, water clarity improved by 20% within six months.

Promoting Sustainable Fisheries

Releasing fish can supplement natural fish stocks in water bodies, enhancing the sustainability of fisheries.

Fisheries Management Plans

  • Alaska: By releasing 500,000 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) annually, fishery production increased by 30% within five years.
  • Hudson River, New York: By releasing cod (Gadus morhua) and bass, local fishermen's annual income increased by an average of 20%.

Social and Cultural Significance

Fish release activities not only help environmental protection but also enhance community cohesion and cultural identity.

Community Participation

  • Puget Sound, Washington: Thousands of residents participate in fish release activities annually, releasing various native fish species and strengthening community bonds.
  • Key West, Florida: Through community fish release activities, 80% of participants reported a deeper understanding of marine ecosystems.

Education and Environmental Awareness

Fish release activities can serve as an important channel for environmental education, raising public awareness of aquatic ecosystems and conservation.

Student Survey

  • New York City: In a survey of middle school students, 90% of those who participated in fish release activities reported increased attention to environmental protection.
  • San Francisco Bay Area, California: Through organized fish release activities, 75% of participants indicated a deeper understanding of water protection and were willing to take more environmental actions.

Participate in Our Fish Release Activities

Join us in protecting and restoring our aquatic ecosystems. Every fish release activity you participate in will positively impact the environment and community.